Dear Parents,
Here is a brief curriculum outline which will guide our learning this term. If you would like more information on any areas in particular please do get in touch.This term our general theme will be Asia! This theme will be present in a variety of our learning areas.Maths topics will include...
Times table mastery, addition and subtraction of decimals,2 shapes and their properties,coordinates, volume, geometry, graphing.English topics will include...Spelling words using Diana Riggs spelling system, sizzling starts, tightening tensions, explanation writing and procedural writing, poetry, classic Asian writing styles. Asian folks stories. power sentences.
HumanitiesHistory and Geography of Asia. Mapping Asia, where is Asia, major land forms of Asia. Students will in pairs study in detail an Asian country.Using their research they will present an expo like stall including artifacts, maps and information demonstrating their research and learning.
HealthMr Thompson will be walking the boys through a special unit on healthy eating.
Religious EducationWorking with God, God provides for all.Continued preparation for Confirmation.What it means to be a Christian Leader. Theimportance of Christian Service. Visit to Archbishop Goody Aged Care Centre. Bible examples of Christian Leadership.
ScienceMiss Turich will be taking the boys through the cornerstones and fundamentals of Science.
Design & TechnologyCreation of Asia expo stall, Trinity Voice 4 radio competition.
ItalianRegions and cities of Italy with Mr Ceccarelli. Italian Conversation
ArtMr Lamborn will be guiding the boys through Asian art features and design.
MusicMrs Clarke wil explore Asian folks songs and classic asian music.
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