Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Swan River Colony Research Project

Dear Parents,

Below you can see the key information of our major project for this term. I encourage you to engage with your son on this and have regular check ins to see how he is going.

Projects will need to be finished by week 9. The majority of work will be completed in class however there will be some homework tasks attached especially towards the end. It should be a rich and enjoyable adventure for the boys. I have also included a rubric so you can help your son to see if he is on track.

Swan River Colony History Assignment

As part of our research into the History of The Swan River Colony you will research the life of a person from the Swan River Colony. You will create a biography on your person and use your information to create an amazing presentation on your chosen person.

Part 1: The Research

Hello historians, ok firstly you need to decide on who to research. Choose someone who is interesting to you and also someone who you can find substantial information about.

Once you have chosen you person you will need to research the life of a Swan River Colony Identity of your choice.
Things to include:
Date of birth and death
Their childhood, education, and important events in their life.
What impact did their life have on The Swan River Colony?
Why they are famous? How did they help or influence The Swan River Colony?
Why did you pick this person?
Do you consider them a role model?-Explain.
Where have they left their mark in Perth today?  Any Street signs, suburbs, buildings or schools named after them?

Part 2 Your Presentation

Now that you have created your interesting and informative Biography here’s you chance to bring it all to life.

You are to create a presentation on your identity in which you will bring to life this person's existence.

How you present is up to you and your creativity and problem solving skills will be put to the test.

There are some things in which your presentation must include
Your biography writing on a poster and neatly presented
A large photo of your identity plus other pictures and drawings.
You must dress up as your identity

Create one object or artefact that is connected to your identity.

Swan River Colony Biography Writing Rubric
Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
The biography identifies why this person is important. 
The writing shows clear and thorough insight into the person’s character (motivations, opinions, personality traits, achievements and obstacles) and supports the writer’s choice of outstanding leader.
Information about the person’s character is evident which clearly support the writer’s choice of outstanding leader.
Information about the person’s character is provided which loosely connect to the writer’s choice of outstanding leader.
Limited information about the person’s character is provided which may not clearly connect, or only superficially connects, to the writer’s choice of outstanding leader.
The biography follows relevant and accurate events in chronological order.
Strong and insightful descriptions of accurate and relevant key facts, events and examples are given in logical order, which reveal the subject’s character.
Accurate and relevant key facts, events and/or examples are given in logical order, which reveal the subject’s character.
Key facts, events and/or examples are simplistic and loosely connected the subject’s character.  A logical order is somewhat maintained.
Facts, events and/or examples are limited and may not connect to the subject’s character.  Events are difficult to follow as a logical order has not been maintained.
The tone of the text is engaging and descriptive.
The tone of the text is thoughtful and clearly supports the writer’s purpose. The writer effectively maintains an engaging voice and provides a vivid portrait into the subject.
The tone of the text supports the writer’s purpose.  Primarily an engaging voice is used that provides an overall positive image of the subject.
The tone of the text is recognizable but lacks the depth that is necessary to support the writer’s purpose.
The tone of the text is lacking and may not support the writer’s purpose.
Writing Conventions
Spelling is generally correct, even on more difficult words and punctuation is accurate.  A thorough understanding and consistent application of capitalization skills are present.  Grammar is correct and contributes to clarity and style.  The biography is very close to being ready to publish.
Spelling is usually correct, but more difficult words are problematic.  End punctuation is usually correct; internal punctuation is sometimes missing/wrong.  Most words are capitalized correctly.  Problems with grammar are not serious enough to confuse meaning.  Moderate editing is required by the teacher to polish the text for publication.
Spelling errors are somewhat apparent.  Punctuation is sometimes missing or incorrect.  Capitalization errors are somewhat apparent.  Several errors in grammar are evident but do not usually affect meaning.  Some editing is required by the teacher to polish the text for publication.
Spelling errors are frequent, even on high frequency words.  Punctuation is often missing or incorrect.  Capitalization is random.  Errors in grammar are very noticeable, frequent, and affect meaning.  Extensive editing is required by the teacher to polish the text for publication.

Curriculum Outline Term 2 2016

Dear Parents below you can discover all the brilliant learning that will take place in 5 Green this term.

Religious Education
All Creation Give Thanks- Prayer
The more people experience and enjoy creation, the more they realise its great variety of beauty . The beauty in creation causes people to wonder at God the Creator of such beauty . God means the beauty of the world to be a sign to everyone that God is always present everywhere.

As Maths classes are split curriculum may differ however in my Maths class we will be covering
times tables, multiplication and division facts, arrays, area and perimeter, division, real life Maths problems.

Biography writing, historical research.Diana Rigg spelling.Grammar conventions. Oral reading focus, what makes a great reader. Class read aloud Pole to Pole- Pat Farmer

Swan River Colony historical research project. 21st Century Solution Fluency. Students to create a presentation on a notable figure of the Swan River Colony

Design and Technology
Swan River Colony design project of presentation stall. Swan river photo competition.

Art, Science Music, PE and Italian are all taught by our specialist teachers. Please email them for further information.

Friday, 6 May 2016

Some Great ICT Rescources

I recently presented at the Trinity parents info session last Wednesday afternoon.

If you weren't able to make it I have included below a bunch of really useful ICT related resources that you may wish to take a look at.

Please contact me if you would like any more information.

Mr Hayes

Mr Hayes’ Amazing ICT Resources
Some usual websites for parents….
These can help you to be more web and tech savvy….
Teaching children to be smart, safe and aware when online.
For the analog parent in a digital world.

What Trinity teachers are using in class…….

Some good websites for safe research…
Filtered child appropriate search engine.

Filtered, child friendly YOUTUBE feature.

Mr Hayes almost a father again.

Dear Parents,

As many of you are aware my wife is very pregnant and the big day could literally arrive any day now. I just wanted to let you all know that when the big day arrives I will be taking a roughly a couple of weeks Paternity Leave.

In my absence a very qualified relief teacher will see the class through.

Kind Regards

Mr Hayes

Welcome back to Term 2

Dear Parents,
It’s amazing that we already find ourselves at the end of week 2. The boys have been working hard in preparation for NAPLAN next week.

Below I have included the NAPLAN timetable for next week. If your son is unwell please inform me asap so we can make arrangements for him to sit the test at another time.

9am Writing
11am Language Conventions

9am Reading


9am Numeracy