Wednesday, 27 May 2015

6 Green Gold Website

Dear Parents,

In collaboration with our IT guru Mrs Wilkie, I have created a website containing several tasks that I will guide the boys through. The website is devoted to all things "GOLD" and will help prepare the class for our upcoming adventure to Kalgoorlie in week 10.

I have designed four tasks that we will explore over the next 4 weeks. I have created a diverse range of activities for the class to engage with in the hope that they will;

  • Gain knowledge of what is gold the mineral
  • Grasp a sense of gold's place in World History
  • Discover gold's connection to Kalgoorlie and its impact on WA 
  • Develop an understanding of its contribution to Australia's historical growth
You can explore the website hereWe are currently completing the first task this week. I encourage you to discuss the first task with your son. 
Some amazing facts have already been researched.

Monday, 18 May 2015

U2 Homework Task week5


This is the title of a song by Irish Band U2. Mr Hayes' favourite band.

It is a song that has a lot in common with all of us. Mr Hayes would like you to complete the following tasks.

1. Listen to the song here.  You can also follow along with the lyrics here.

After a couple of listens ask yourself what is the song talking and reflecting about? Have a chat with someone at home and ask for their opinion. Write a paragraph about what you think.

2. Ask yourself what are some of the lyrics of the song that you can relate to and why. Please list 3. 

3. Research 5 facts about U2.

4. Draw or paste a picture which describes how this song makes you feel, or something it reminds you of.

Extra task- Can you create your own verse to this song?

You can complete and present your responses however you like. This could be your surface or on paper, but evidence of writing is compulsory!
All sections must be completed by Friday. We will do lots of sharing so be ready to talk (Maybe some work on your public speaking targets during the week??)

Thursday, 14 May 2015

Congratulations Harry Smith

Well done to Harry Smith who has had his brilliant Gallipoli themed Haiku displayed on the Australian War Memorial National Classroom Showcase. 
This page highlights and celebrates quality ANZAC Day themed work and activities from all over Australia.

You can visit the showcase here

Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Sister Trish's visits to TC

Today we were lucky to be visited  by Sister Trish. Sister Trish lives in Vietnam and has devoted her life to helping the poor. At Trinity we have been raising money to help her build a school. Sister Trish came to talk about how Trinity College helped kids in Vietnam that aren't as lucky as us. 

She told us how we helped her by donating money and helped the kids live better by renovating their whole school. After, she showed us some photos of the schools there were photos of the schools before and after the renovations.

By Nathan, Harry Bell and Anthony. 

Sr Trish in action

Monday, 4 May 2015

Borrow Box!

Dear Parents,

I wish to direct you to a brilliant resource called Borrowbox. Borrowbox is essentially an online library which  makes it easy to browse, borrow and read or listen to your library’s eBooks and eAudiobooks anywhere, everywhere. 

The boys can simply use their trinity login credentials to access the website.

If BorrowBox is available through your local library you can simply login with your member details to access the library’s collection of eBooks and eAudiobooks.

Please check it out, I welcome your feedback on it.

Here is the link:

Mr Hayes