Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Mabble not Scrabble!!

If you are a fan of Scrabble then Mabble is your Maths equivalent. The class had plenty of fun today playing this excellent Maths resource, where newly memorised timetables, and problem solving skills were put to the test. Some friendly rivalries were established all in the name of Mathematics.

Timeglider in 6 Green!

With the assistance of Mrs Wilkie our IT expert, today in 6 green we learnt how to use Timeglider. Timeglider is a brilliant timeline creation website, which allows users to create a vibrant and interactive timeline which includes videos, audio clips and pictures. This will accompany the boys' research on a Saint of their choice, in preparation for their biography assignment.

Here is the link if you would like to know more and be sure to check back soon to see some amazing timelines on this blog.

An example of the software

The boys hard at work on their timelines

Mrs Wilkie showing the way

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Swimming Carnival 2015

Well another Swimming Carnival has come and gone with lots of fun had by all. Well done to all the boys on a very pleasant afternoon!

Mr Hayes is already training for the Teachers race next year.

What are we learning about in 6 Green?

Dear Parents here is a brief overview of the Curriculum for this Term. 

Religious Education
Saints, preparation for Confirmation. Easter and Lent.What it means to be a Christian Leader.

The 4 operations, times table focus, measurement.

Class novel Stormbreaker by Anthony Horowitz. Spelling words, persuasive writing, power sentences, biographical writing. .

Miss Turich will be taking the boys through the cornerstones of Science, especially Chemistry.

Design & Technology
Photography Competition using Photo Editor on Surface Device

Regions and cities of Italy with Mr Ceccarelli

Mr Thompson will be walking the boys through a special unit on healthy eating.

Mr Lamborn will be teaching the class about costumes and life drawing and sketches.

History and Geography
ANZAC 100 Years, Where the War Was fought? The legacy of the diggers.

Sunday, 8 February 2015

Creating Power Sentences in 6 Green

In 6 Green we are attempting to write more powerful sentences. We are going from bland to grand to create sentences that are richer, more interesting to read and display a varied vocabulary. Together we created the chart shown below and then had a turn at devising our own power sentences. We were able to workshop ideas and give each other a lot of immediate feedback.
Our English working wall that will regularly display or writing focus

Some of our ideas

Monday, 2 February 2015

First newsletter of the year!

Welcome to Year Six Green at Trinity College.
Hello my name is Andrew Hayes and I am delighted to be your son’s teacher this year. Below I have compiled a general information list which you may find useful. I look forward to working with you this year to ensure that your son has a rewarding and enjoyable year.
Parent Information Evening will take place on Wednesday the 18th February at 5.30pm. It is recommended that a representative from each family be in attendance, as important information regarding Year 6 Camp will be given out on this day. The following information below will be covered in greater detail at the Parent Information Evening.
 Parent Communication:
You will receive most communication from me via email messages and also on the class blog. You can contact me via email:      Class notices and information regarding upcoming events will be accessible via our class blog at Please visit the blog regularly to see what’s happening. A copy of this letter will also be kept as a record on the blog. 
Homework is given to the boys on Monday of each week. They will have all week to complete their homework, handing it in to me by Friday. This form of homework is designed to assist the students to develop their time management and organisational skills and fit in around commitments during the week.
Homework will be written in the student diary at the start of the week. I ask that parents mark the completed mathematics homework, in order to give the students immediate feedback and allow them to improve on any skills during subsequent homework sessions.
Students are required to read for at least 20 minutes each evening. They may choose to read their library book, the newspaper or a book from home. If your son is unable to complete homework due to family commitments, please put a brief note in your son’s diary or email me.

Uniform and Absentees:
Please be aware that if your son is absent, you must call the absentee line before the commencement of school (9223 8186) and leave a message or write a message on the link provided on the College Website. If your son arrives late, he must report to Student Services.

General Excursions/ Viewing:
There may be times throughout the year where we take the students on a general outing. This may involve a walk down to the park or travelling by bus to other schools for interschool carnivals. In addition, as part of our language program we may need to use pieces of teacher chosen movies that are rated PG. Please sign the permission slip attached to allow your child to participate in these activities. We ask that this permission slip be returned by Friday 6th February.
The slips will go home on Mon 2nd of Feb

 Kind Regards,
 Andrew Hayes 6 Green Class Teacher

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Welcome to Year 6 Green 2015

It is with great excitement that I welcome you all to The Year 6 Green Class Blog!
This will be your one stop shop for all things 6 Green.
Here you will be able to access timetables and read important notices and all the news from the classroom throughout the learning. You will also be able to see a lot of the amazing learning that will take place in the classroom.
Also this year I will be encouraging the class to take more ownership of this blog.

Here's to a great year in 6 Green!

Mr Hayes