Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Nick's Perfect Pets!

6 Green were very lucky this week to meet some very special creatures. Nick Croll was kind enough to bring in  his bunny "Bugs", and also his two guinea pigs, "Zoey" and "Caramel". They were very well behaved and really well received by the boys.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Japan Padlet activity for long weekend!

6 Green student Kinta is currently enjoying an amazing time in Tokyo, Japan. Where he has been a guest of the Ogi Elementary School in Tokyo. Kinta has been acting as 6 Green's correspondent sending regular reports to the boys detailing what he has been getting up to.In honour of Kinta's trip to Japan I would like all the boys to research 3 facts about Japan, and add it to our padlet brainstorm page. The link is below.Padlet is a brilliant online brainstorm facility that I regularly use with the boys, ask your son to show you how it works. 

Here is the link

Kinta trying out his table tennis skills.

Award winners

Congratulations to Ethan Hardy, Ben Petrich, Josh Locke, Nick Croll and Daniel Rees on receiving awards last week due to their hard work and dedication to their learning. Well done guys.

Mr Hayes and the proud winners!

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Reading in 6 Green

Click here to learn more about our reading focus for the rest of the year.Click here

TOBA Award

Congratulations to Adam Vidotto who last Friday was awarded The TOBA award. The TOBA award is awarded by The Trinity Old Boys Association, and is awarded to a student who has displayed the TC spirit. Adam joins Luke Grattoggi and Thomas Robertson as 6 Green's recipients this year. Well done boys!

Click here to view our natural disasters assignment and rubric.

Click here to view the assisgnment

Friday, 5 September 2014

Fathers' Day Breakfast

What a great way to start the day! Thanks to all the Dads who attended our Fathers' Day BIG Breakfast this morning! It was a nice to see you all, and I hope you enjoyed Mr Hayes' cooking. I'm looking forward to celebrating my first Fathers' Day.

Happy Fathers' Day!!

Sushi in 6 Green

On Tuesday afternoon 6 Green were visited by Kinta's Father, Ryota and also his Grandmother Ayako, who both hail originally from Japan. They were kind enough to teach us how to make sushi.

 It was quite a treat to be shown how to cook a dish by two experts in Japanese cuisine.We are very grateful that they took the time to share a well known aspect of Japanese culture with the boys.
It was lots of fun and all the boys have now learnt a recipe that they can now cook for dinner.(hint hint)

Monday, 1 September 2014

Busy Times In 6 Green

We finished off last week with a couple of action packed days in 6 Green. On Thursday we enjoyed another fun sports carnival, where lots of laughs were had and some personal bests achieved. Congratulations to Jojo Parise on taking out Champion Boy and to all the boys who tried their best in their events. Well Done!

On Friday we performed our class assembly. This year we got into the theme of Book Week and had a lot of fun in making the production. All the boys should feel very satisfied with their efforts in creating such an informative, fun and engaging performance. I was certainly a very proud teacher on Friday afternoon.

If any parents have any good pictures or video of our assembly I would love to have them.

Also, thanks to all of you who supported the boys in these events, it was great to see so many 6 Green parents on Thursday and Friday.

Here are some pictures.