Thursday, 27 November 2014

Visitors to 6 Green

The brilliant assortment of guest speakers has continued this week with Janette an RSPCA officer, and Hazel a Physicist from The Health Department talking to the class about their professions.
Well done to Nick Croll and Kinta for organsing the speakers in association with their Genius projects on The RSPCA and Science respectively.

Year 6 Green ABC Tour

Yesterday I took the class to the ABC studios in East Perth for a studio tour. The class were escorted all around the building and were given a great taste of how a broadcasting station works. The Premier even greeted the boys as he left the building, which can be seen via this link. ABC News Link - boys are at 3.45 mark. Many thanks to Catherine Pinchin, Liz Croll, Natarsha Caddy and Donna Kennedy for assisting me.

Who knows who may return there to work in the future.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Amazing Award Winners!

Congratulations to  Caleb, Michael, James and Nick Caddy for winning Honour Cards this week, well done boys on a great job!
Mr Hayes and the proud award winners.

Imam Hisham Obeid visits 6 Green

As part of our world religions unit I invited Imam Hisham Obeid from The Rivervale Mosque in to speech with the class. Hisham guided the boys through some of the main points of Islam including its major customs and practices. Hisham was a brilliant presenter and had the boys really engaged. The session ended with a really enjoyable question and answer session.
I would really like to thank Hisham for taking the time to come to speak with the class.

Monday, 10 November 2014

TOBA Award

Congratulations to Ethan Hardy on winning the TOBA Award last Friday for showing the TC spirit throughout the year. He joins Tom Robertson, Adam Vidotto and Luke Grattoggi as 6 Green's winners this year.
Mr Hayes and a proud looking Ethan

Also well done to Wilson, Josh and William on their well deserved honour cards.

Great times in 6 Green

The weeks are flying past and some brilliant learnt has been taking place. The boys are into the final stages of their Genius projects and are about to commence presenting soon. I am really looking forward to see what they have to present.

Here is a selection of photos from inside the classroom over the last couple of weeks.

Kinta reading his entertaining Melbourne Cup Story.

Alex being presented his special award from Mr Banks.

Tom teaching the class as part of his Genius project on Kobe Bryant.

Mr Allanson, a guest teacher from the Senior School teaching the boys about our political system.

Monday, 27 October 2014

Homework Week 3 term 4

  • Reading 20 minutes, 5 minutes of this to be oral. 
  • Genius Project time 20 mins.
  • Spelling Words 5 words to be selected of your choice and to be shown to Mr Hayes on Tuesday.
  • Maths- mental maths everyone.
  • Research Leukemia on Monday night.

Monday, 20 October 2014

Behind the News

Each week we watch the Behind the News, which is a news show for kids ABC TV. This week I had the boys leave their books and devices and instead write notes on the desks which as you can see was greatly welcomed.
Luckily everyone used whiteboard pens.

Homework Week 2 Term 4

Homework Week 2 Term 4

  • Genius Hour preparation time 20 mins per night. Remember this is going to be the presentation of you life, it needs to be awesome!!!

  • Have you discussed your ideas with any family members?

  • Maths activity each night (Mr Le Tessier's class to follow own program)

  • Spelling words- Test on Friday

Genius Project

Over the course of term 4 6 Green will be involved in a project called The Genius Project also known as The Genius Hour.  So whats this all about??

Genius hour or Genius Project is an activity that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom. It provides students a choice in what they learn during a set period of time during school.

The boys have spent some time on deciding what their project will be and what question they will answer and finally how they will present their work.

I have deliberately left the guidelines very broad and I really want the boys to be as creative as possible.

Please have a discussion with your son about his project and any ideas that he may have.

This link may be useful.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Welcome Back to Term 4!!!

Welcome back to school and Term 4!
The boys have all returned enthusiastic and well rested after the holidays!
I cant believe we are already in Term 4.
Thank you so much for your continued support.
Here's to another great Term in 6 Green!

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Nick's Perfect Pets!

6 Green were very lucky this week to meet some very special creatures. Nick Croll was kind enough to bring in  his bunny "Bugs", and also his two guinea pigs, "Zoey" and "Caramel". They were very well behaved and really well received by the boys.

Thursday, 18 September 2014

Japan Padlet activity for long weekend!

6 Green student Kinta is currently enjoying an amazing time in Tokyo, Japan. Where he has been a guest of the Ogi Elementary School in Tokyo. Kinta has been acting as 6 Green's correspondent sending regular reports to the boys detailing what he has been getting up to.In honour of Kinta's trip to Japan I would like all the boys to research 3 facts about Japan, and add it to our padlet brainstorm page. The link is below.Padlet is a brilliant online brainstorm facility that I regularly use with the boys, ask your son to show you how it works. 

Here is the link

Kinta trying out his table tennis skills.

Award winners

Congratulations to Ethan Hardy, Ben Petrich, Josh Locke, Nick Croll and Daniel Rees on receiving awards last week due to their hard work and dedication to their learning. Well done guys.

Mr Hayes and the proud winners!

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Reading in 6 Green

Click here to learn more about our reading focus for the rest of the year.Click here

TOBA Award

Congratulations to Adam Vidotto who last Friday was awarded The TOBA award. The TOBA award is awarded by The Trinity Old Boys Association, and is awarded to a student who has displayed the TC spirit. Adam joins Luke Grattoggi and Thomas Robertson as 6 Green's recipients this year. Well done boys!

Click here to view our natural disasters assignment and rubric.

Click here to view the assisgnment

Friday, 5 September 2014

Fathers' Day Breakfast

What a great way to start the day! Thanks to all the Dads who attended our Fathers' Day BIG Breakfast this morning! It was a nice to see you all, and I hope you enjoyed Mr Hayes' cooking. I'm looking forward to celebrating my first Fathers' Day.

Happy Fathers' Day!!

Sushi in 6 Green

On Tuesday afternoon 6 Green were visited by Kinta's Father, Ryota and also his Grandmother Ayako, who both hail originally from Japan. They were kind enough to teach us how to make sushi.

 It was quite a treat to be shown how to cook a dish by two experts in Japanese cuisine.We are very grateful that they took the time to share a well known aspect of Japanese culture with the boys.
It was lots of fun and all the boys have now learnt a recipe that they can now cook for dinner.(hint hint)

Monday, 1 September 2014

Busy Times In 6 Green

We finished off last week with a couple of action packed days in 6 Green. On Thursday we enjoyed another fun sports carnival, where lots of laughs were had and some personal bests achieved. Congratulations to Jojo Parise on taking out Champion Boy and to all the boys who tried their best in their events. Well Done!

On Friday we performed our class assembly. This year we got into the theme of Book Week and had a lot of fun in making the production. All the boys should feel very satisfied with their efforts in creating such an informative, fun and engaging performance. I was certainly a very proud teacher on Friday afternoon.

If any parents have any good pictures or video of our assembly I would love to have them.

Also, thanks to all of you who supported the boys in these events, it was great to see so many 6 Green parents on Thursday and Friday.

Here are some pictures.

Monday, 25 August 2014

Important notices for this week

There is a lot happening this week at Trinity here is a rundown.

This Thursday 28th August we have our House Sports Carnival so please come down and cheer on your son. Following this on Friday 29th of August we have our class assembly commencing at 2.20pm in the gym. The boys have been working hard on a entertaining and informative production, one not to be missed.

It is also Book Week this week with our dress up day taking place on Friday morning with a parade at 8.45 am. I have instructed the boys to come to school in their Book Week costume and to get dressed into their assembly outfit later in the day.

Finally, I wish to make you aware that school is closed next Monday 1st September as all teachers are attending an important education conference.


Mr Hayes

Homework week 6

Maths daily activity and Mental Maths book.

Grammar next section.

Spelling words.

Organise costume for Book Week and Assembly.

Learn lines for performance.

Research a book week fact.

Health homework.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Amazing musical talent in 6 Green

Thanks to Ben, Sam, Nick Croll, Nick Caddy and Josh Locke who all had great fun entertaining their classmates with an impromptu musical soiree last Wednesday just before lunch. What a great way to show off your learning by performing in front of a live audience. Great stuff boys!!

Honour Card recipients week 5

Well done to Wilson, Sam, Tom and Michael who are all worthy award winners this week. 

Congratulations boys on the excellent effort and TC spirit that you have shown this week!!

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Award winners week 4

Congratulations to Ben, who won our Principal Award last Friday. Also well done to to William. Jojo, James and Luke who were the worthy recipients of honour cards due to their hard work.
Congratulations boys and keep up the great effort!!

Term 3 Week 5 Homework.

Here is this week's homework for 6 Green.
  • Grammar
  • Mental Maths and daily page finish.(Boys in Mr Le Tessier's group follow his Maths homework plan)
  • Spelling
  • Book week fact research.
  • Reading 20 minutes, 5 minutes of this to be oral.
  • Finish off Health and Library assignments.
Remember all homework is to be completed by Friday!

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Class Novel Dragon Keeper!!

We have just started reading Dragon Keeper, a brilliant novel by Carole Wilkinson, set in ancient China. Have a chat with your son and ask him to tell you about the story.

Our First Blog

Good Afternoon and welcome to Year 6 Green's Class Blog

Please visit us often to discover all the amazing learning that is happening in 6 Green this Year.

Its amazing that we are already in Week 4 of Term 3.